

Mississippi Map Turtle


Mississippi Map Turtle has a prominent ridge running along the center part of its carapace, or upper shell, which is serrated, like a saw, along the back edge.

COMMON NAMES: Common Musk Turtle, Eastern Musk Turtle, Stinkpot

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Sternotherus Odoratus

ADULT SIZE: 3 to 5 inches

LIFE EXPECTANCY: Up to and even over 50 years

Mississippi Map Turtle For Sale


Robert , Edin , Toff Mississippi map turtle has a prominent ridge running along the center part of its carapace, or upper shell, which is serrated, like a saw, along the back edge. Shell color is brown or olive and has narrow, yellow, connected lines or circles.

Mississippi Map Turtle For Sale is a subspecies of land and water turtle belonging to the family Emydidae. G. p. kohni is endemic to the central United States. Map turtles get their common name from the lines and markings on the carapace which resemble the contour lines of a map

Mississippi map turtles don’t need extremely warm temperatures but will be more active and have a better appetite if they are kept around 85 degrees F. If temperatures are allowed to drop below the 60s your Mississippi Map Turtle For Sale may become lethargic, not eat well, and start to go into hibernation.  Click Here to Buy Best Turtle

Adopt & Buy Mississippi Map Turtle


Mississippi map turtles are beautiful creatures. They’re aptly named after the distinct pattern on their carapace, or shell. The carapace is covered in unique lines. They resemble the look and feel of contour markings on a map.

Another cool feature is the black ridges of the shell. In between each scute, the shell has a deep valley that’s covered in black. This creates a three-dimensional look from every angle.


Order Mississippi Map Turtle


Their size is impacted by a number of different factors. Breeding practices, genetics, and the quality of care during their developmental phase are the biggest.  Click Here to Buy Spotted Turtle

Mississippi Map Turtle For Sale Mississippi map turtle care is great for beginners due to their small size and low-maintenance requirements. That said, it’s important to remember that these turtles need a carefully planned environment to truly thrive.



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